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Nature's Contribution to People

Up to two-thirds of all crops require some degree of animal pollination to reach their maximum yields, and natural habitat around farmlands can support healthy populations of wild pollinators by providing them with foraging and nesting resources. More

Fertilizers like nitrogen are a major source pollution to freshwater systems and drinking water. However, some of it may be retained by healthy ecosystems, regulating drinking water quality to downstream populations.More

Coastal habitats such as coral reefs, mangroves, salt marsh, or sea grass, attenuate waves and protect the shorelines from the impacts of storms, such as floods and erosion. More


What to visualize?

A Benefit Gap in pollination can be measured as the amount of crop losses due to insufficiently pollinated crops for pollination

0 Max

How severely would
people be impacted?


Number of people

Coastal Hazard

How to read the map

This map highlights where people will be most at risk in the future. By using the menu at left, different services and scenarios can be explored.

Benefit Gap displays where potential benefits are not currently being provided by nature. People Impacted displays the populations impacted by these benefits or benefit gaps and Nature’s contribution shows the proportion of potential benefit that is provided by nature.

For more detailed data and the possibility to compare services and scenarios, select a country by clicking on it.

Compare Scenarios and Services

How much would the total
Benefit Gap change by 2050?

How many people would be
negatively impacted?